How Can Homeopathy Be Placebo When It Cures Farm Animals?

By / 15th June, 2013 / 1 Comment

One argument in favor of the true healing power of homeopathy — one that I’ve never heard countered by the skeptics — is the success of homeopathic remedies in treating animals. Even the Queen of England likes to treat her pet Corgis with homeopathy!

I’ll never forget one of my own amazing pet cures. Just days before embarking on a month-long trip, I noticed my dog Shadow had a growth on her front lower leg. I took her to the vet, hoping it was just an embedded foxtail, but he said it was a tumor that should be surgically removed, though healing would be difficult in that location and licking would have to be discouraged. What to do just two days before our vacation, with a housesitter scheduled to take care of Shadow? Instead of surgery, I decided to go mega-homeopathy. Over the course of those two days, I gave her increasing doses (30c, 200c, 1M, 10M) of her constitutional remedy (Pulsatilla — which also happened to have “tumor on the leg” as an obscure small symptom). By the time we left, the tumor was showing signs of change. After two weeks, the housesitter reported that it was completely gone and that the hair was growing back. I took a photo upon our return (no sign of a tumor at all!) and mailed it to the vet. He was incredulous, but unfortunately, not interested in learning more about homeopathy.


There have been many studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating animals, some of them large scale studies on herds of farm animals. One of them is described in Chapter 7 of Impossible Cure. In a 1999 study conducted on 1440 pigs on a large commercial pig farm in Germany, homeopathic prophylactic treatment of pigs against respiratory disease (a big problem on such farms) was compared against placebo, prophylactic use of antibiotics, and high therapeutic doses of antibiotics. In this study, not only did homeopathic treatment of the pigs beat out placebo, but it also surpassed prophylactic doses of antibiotics by a significant margin. Whereas the antibiotics made disease 11% less likely than placebo, and the homeopathy made disease 40% less likely! Only when the doses of antibiotics were raised to high therapeutic levels (something that cannot be safely sustained in raising herds of animals) was homeopathic treatment surpassed (making disease 70% less likely).


We all know that allopathic drugs are entering our food chain in unhealthy ways. Overuse of antibiotics on farm animals, for example, has played a large role in the rise of strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics — now a huge problem in hospitals. Hormones and antibiotics pollute our waterways too. So why haven’t studies like the German pig study being heeded? Well, I’m sure that the purveyors of antibiotics wouldn’t be too happy about it. But things do seem to be changing somewhat. For example, the EU is funding a €2 million research project investigating how homeopathy can be used to treat farm animals and reduce the use of antibiotics.


But there are quarters where the successes of homeopathy in treating animals are actively being listened to — in particular, organic farmers and open-minded veterinarians who want to serve their animals more safely and effectively. Quietly, veterinarians (especially those that serve organic farms) are helping animal herds with homeopathy. In fact, in my experience, many vets are more willing than people-docs to acknowledge the dangers of over-vaccination and over-drugging. They can more easily see their deleterious consequences, because the short lifespan of animals makes the effects of generation after generation of drugging more easily observable. For this reason (and because vets are a bit “lower on the radar” than people-docs), doctors who dedicate themselves to animal care are often the first to honestly look for alternatives.


One of the leading homeopathic veterinarians in the world, Richard Pitcairn, has trained many of the world’s homeopathic vets. Adapting the human homeopathic materia medica and repertory language to animals isn’t always easy — animals can’t exactly talk to us! — but through observation and knowledge of animal behavior and physiology, huge successes in treatment have been possible by homeopathic vets. With both a veterinary degree and having done post-graduate research work in immunology, Pitcairn has written eloquently on the dangers of over-vaccination, which he says has created generations of cats and dogs with higher rates of cancer than ever before. He is also an ardent educator on the power of classical homeopathy and is the author of a popular book on natural medicine for cats and dogs, Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs and Cats. I encourage you all to visit his site and to read these eye opening articles:
* A New Look At Vaccines
* Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccines
* New World Veterinary Repertory


Here are some more articles, studies, and videos to peruse, testifying to the power of homeopathy in treating animals — pets, domestics herds, and wild life too.


by Amy L. Lansky, PhD

(For more information about homeopathy, please visit


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