Aconite is a remedy most often needed during the very first stage of flu. Symptoms come on quickly, often alarmingly and the person is unusually restless and anxious. Symptoms may start after exposure to dry, cold wind. Shivering and cold waves can pass through the body with the fever. The face may be flushed with constricted pupils.
Anas Barbariae (Anas-b.)
Also known as Oscillococcinum. This remedy is prepared from the livers of migrating geese that are often carriers for flu viruses. Research has shown that the remedy is helpful in the first 24 to 48 hours for younger age groups, but less helpful after this time, or for older people. Research has also shown that it is not an effective prophylactic (preventative).
Arsenicum Album (Ars.)
The symptoms of an Arsenicum flu consist of marked restlessness and anxiety, hot face and cold body. The restlessness can lead to exhaustion and collapse. Vomiting and diarrhea may also be present, withing chills and rigor follow the fever. The patient will be thirsty for small sips of water and want constant company. They may fear they will die.
Belladonna (Bell.)
A Belladonna type of flu usually starts suddenly, often frighteningly. The face will be hot, the skin red, the eyes glazed, and the pupils possibly dilated. The patient may complain of a throbbing headache and feel worse for motion and jarring, or for being bumped. The fever can be worryingly high, but with little or no thirst. Hands and feet are icy cold even though the body is hot. There may also be delirium with the fever. All senses are over-sensitive so the patient feels worse for light, being touched, and noise. Symptoms worse at 3pm.
Bryonia Alba (Bry.)
Bryonia flus are gradual rather than sudden in onset and progress slowly. The patient is irritable, the first to answering, and prefers to be left alone. All symptoms, such as severely aching muscles or joints, are worse for movement and better for rest and being still. The patient will be very thirsty for large, infrequent gulps of water. They also have dry skin, a coated tongue, cracked lips, or a left-sided headache. During the delirium of the fever, they may particularly ask to go home even though already there.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Eup-per.)
Influenza with a very high fever and severe aching in the muscles and the bones. The patient feels as if their bones are breaking or broken. They will be chilly, sometimes with rigors (shaking) and may desire cold drinks even though they will be chilled by them. They can be thirsty just before the chill and have a severe headache as the fever peaks. Symptoms worse between 7 to 9am.
Gelsemium (Gels.)
Gelsemium is one of the most commonly needed flu remedies. Symptoms develop gradually. The patient feels heavy, weak, lethargic, and dull. The weakness is accompanied by trembling.
Limbs ache and shivers may run up and down the spine. They usually have a heavy headache that starts in the back of the head and radiates to the forehead. The headache may be relieved by passing urine. Eyelids will droop and there will be weakness and heaviness of the head and limbs.
Nux vomica (Nux-v.)
The person needing Nux vomica for their flu will be sensitive, irritable, and snappy. They will be extremely sensitive to drafts and the cold – even the slightest motion of air as they move under the bed-covers will create chills (shaking). They will be easily irritated and bothered by light and noise. Insomnia can be a problem and symptoms are worse in the morning.
Flus with rapidly changing high fevers. Marked restlessness during the fever The patient will complain of an aching body and that the bed feels too hard. They can have a high pulse with a low temperature or a high temperature was a low pulse.
Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)
The Rhus-t. flu consist of restlessness and aching limbs in which the patient must move almost constantly to ease pain, even when trying to sleep. The joints can feel stiff. The flu may be triggered by, or worsened by cold and damp. The fever is often preceded by a prolonged chilly stage and can be accompanied by fever blisters or cold sores on or around the lips.
*Homeopathy is also safe and effective while Breastfeeding! This is a helpful modality of healing for new Mothers, as it is completely safe while breastfeeding, and for babies and children.
Homeopathy worked for me over 30 years ago, when I was very skeptic, but ConMed could not deal with my (very painful) gastric ulcers without resorting to drugs that caused heart disease.
Later, it dealt with my migraines.
And lots and lots of minor ailments through the years; and those of my children, and now my grandchildren.
Homeopathy has also allowed me to lead my life without Big Pharma drugs, and all their disease-inducing-effects (DIEs).
Steve Scrutton
*Homeopathy is also safe and effective while Breastfeeding! This is a helpful modality of healing for new Mothers, as it is completely safe while breastfeeding, and for babies and children.
Dr Geoff Johnson, veterinary surgeon, tells how he came to use Homeopathy and nutrition exclusively in his treatment of animals and of the pleasure he has in seeing them get better.
It all came about following a severe case of hay fever and a camping trip. Watch this short video from the UK Faculty of Homeopathy, and beneath it, read a summary of what Dr Johnson says:
Geoff originally had no interest in Homeopathy at all, but was a Conventional Veterinarian.
He had suffered his whole life with Hay Fever – the type that was so bad you wanted to claw your eyes out.
He had been keeping it under control with antihistamines for many years but one year when he went camping, he forgot to take them with him and had severe hay fever.
A friend told him to visit a Homeopath who was camping five tents down. She asked him many seemingly unrelated questions and then gave him one pill for the hay fever.
He was skeptical that a single pill would work, as he was used to dosing frequently with large amounts of antihistamine.
After an hour, his hay fever was 90% better.
Since that day, he has not taken another antihistamine.
He was amazed as it seemed impossible and went against everything he had been taught at University.
He then went on to study Homeopathy and now treats animals only with Homeopathy and nutrition.
Geoff says he absolutely loves Homeopathy – it’s taught him so many things he has never learned anywhere else.
He’s not just reading veterinary manuals but about philosophy, quantum physics, nature and the natural world – something that led him to become a vet in the first place.
Geoff continues to do Homeopathy because it works deeply and powerfully and treats patients such as unhappy dogs, depressed horses, aggressive cows and their unpleasant physical ailments.
To see them get better … there’s nothing else he would rather do.
I have a 6-year-old daughter Alison, with Aspergers, who has been treated with Constitutional Homeopathy for just over a year.
She was not a healthy or settled baby and I ended up having to wean her at 3 months as she didn’t tolerate my breast milk and I had to put on her on an elemental formula for protein allergies and Losec for reflux. By the time she was 1-year-old she still didn’t tolerate any food and the next years were spent managing her health with a limited diet as she got older and some biomedical supplements.
When we started Homeopathy the things I wanted help with was her behavior and some physical health symptoms. She is a very sensitive child and has lots of allergies that can bring on sensory seeking behavior and at the time of our first consult she had become very bossy, argumentative, defiant and inflexible. She was demanding and not coping with much in general. She also was having constipation problems and reflux and some other physical issues.
I remember the day of her first dose as being a particularly difficult day for us. I was so keen to give her the indicated remedy to see if it helped. She was in a very bad mood and being very rude. I gave her a sniff of the bottle as we always start gentle with her being so sensitive and within 15 minutes she came up to me where I was sitting on the rocking chair and asked for a cuddle. She climbed onto me and just melted into me in a way I hadn’t felt before. She was far more balanced, settled and relaxed. This was a really strong noticeable response and from that moment on I have focused on healing her with Constitutional Homeopathy.
As she had more doses we had more breakthroughs with behavior and her health symptoms were improving too.
She regularly used to be unreachable. So for example she may wake up one morning and decide to be a fairy and then she would stay in that persona all day. It would be hard to reach her and even though it was easy because she was happy amusing herself as a fairy, it was like I had lost her. After improving on the Homeopathy and not going into her own world so often, I noticed she would express her feelings to me when things were upsetting her. So I assume she was escaping reality into her own world previously where-as now she is in the moment and able to express what is upsetting her.
There are so many little changes that are huge to me such as her initiating holding my hand in public, compared to previously where I would have to force her to hold my hand to cross a road for example. She didn’t like holding hands at all. There are also health improvements. Her diet is increasing and she is not sensitive to so many foods. Her tolerance of allergens is improving.
I have 6 weekly appointments with her Homeopath and I keep a diary of her improvements so I have notes for the past year. As I read over them, it really confirms how far she has come in that year. Her progress is steady. I don’t expect a quick fix because she came into this world with several issues and developed more as she grew older so it is going to take time and persistence to undo them. But I would rather heal her gently with Homeopathy and know that she is healed rather than manage or suppress her symptoms long term with diet and lifestyle changes and medications.
I use Homeopathy on the whole family now and am grateful that my daughter’s health issues have directed me to learn about Homeopathy as it is now impacting us all in a positive way.
Life is so much easier with Homeopathy and now when people meet my daughter for the first time, they don’t recognize her as being on the spectrum.
Prevalence of asthma 100-150 million people around the globe are suffering from asthma according to World Health Organization (WHO). 15-20 million asthmatics are there in India.
Worldwide 180,000 people die of asthma annually.
Understanding asthma Asthma is the chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that causes periodic attacks of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma can occur at all age groups, but usually starts in childhood.
The pathophysiology of asthma is complex and involves airway inflammation, intermittent airflow obstruction, and bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Asthma is associated with mast cells, oenophiles, and T-lymphocytes. Mast cells release chemicals like histamine which in turn causes nasal stuffiness and dripping in cold or hay fever, constriction of airway in asthma, and itching in skin allergy. These cells along with other inflammatory cells cause airway inflammation leading to airway hyper-responsiveness and obstruction leading to symptoms of asthma.
What causes asthma? Exposure especially in infancy to indoor allergens (such as mites in bedding and carpets stuffed furniture, cats and cockroaches)
Family history of asthma and allergy
Viral respiratory tract infections
Weather changes (cold air)
Exercise, hyperventilation
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Chronic sinusitis or rhinitis
Aspirin or NSAID hypersensitivity, sulfite sensitivity
Use of beta-adrenergic receptor blockers (including ophthalmic preparations)
Occupational exposure
Irritants (e.g., household sprays, paint fumes)
Emotional factors or stress
Perinatal factors (prematurity and increased maternal age; maternal smoking and prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke)
Allergies are strongly associated with asthma such as chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps, middle ear infections, and eczema.
What are the treatment options in modern medicine? It is a chronic condition requiring continuous medical care. Treatment includes long term medications to control inflammation of airways and prevent the symptoms and attacks. If symptoms do appear short-term medications (inhaled short-acting beta2-agonists) are used to relieve them. Also important is to avoid asthma triggers. Each person should learn to avoid those triggers that can lead to acute attack of asthma.
Role of Homeopathy
Homeopathy, how it works?
Homeopathy is a science based on laws of similar, which means it treats the disease with medicines producing similar symptoms when given in healthy individuals.
There are medicines given to treat the acute attacks of asthma as well as to prevent the recurrence of it, also to treat the allergies which may trigger the attack of asthma.
Most importantly the Homeopath first records the symptoms as told by patient and his relatives.
Medicine prescribed on definite Homeopathic principles should sure and definitely help the patient. The prescribed medicine can bring about relief in matter of hours or minutes in case of acute asthma, such is the magic of homeopathy.
Some medicines which can be helpful in acute exacerbation of asthma, but it is strongly recommended to take them under advice of competent Homeopathic practitioners, as earlier mentioned, it requires special skills to prescribe them. Also, not all can be given at once; only one medicine is to be given at a time, in a given patient.
Some Homeopathic remedies for acute asthma with few indications: Antimonium tart: Great rattling in chest, with shortness of breath. Drowsiness. Asthma in elderly and children with difficulty to expectorate. The patient must sit up, with sensation as if not able to get enough air into the lungs.
Arsenic alb: Asthma is worse from lying down with fear of suffocation and extreme restlessness. Attacks of asthma are worse during and after midnight. There are burning pains which is relieved by heat.
Blatta orientalis: It is specific for asthma when the causative factor or triggers of asthma are lacking. Asthma with bronchitis and much pus-like mucus. During attack low potencies and mother tincture acts better.
Carbo veg: Coldness of breath. Desperate cases of asthma with blue and cold skin. Air hunger with desire to be fanned rapidly. Better by eructations, worse from sitting or lying down. Weakness in chest as if could not get enough breath. Asthma reflex from accumulation of flatus in abdomen.
Cuprum metallicum: Spasmodic asthma, constriction in throat, face gets blue and convulsions thereafter. Asthma brought on from mental emotions.
Dulcamara: Humid asthma from a cold, worse during cold wet weather.
Ipecac: Loses breath with cough. Difficult expiration. Cough is rattling and asthmatic. The patient gags when he coughs. Chest seems full of phlegm but does not yield to coughing.
Kali carb: Asthma awakening the patient at night, especially worse in the morning 3-4 am. Asthma better from rocking. The only comfort the patient finds is by leaning forward with his elbows resting upon chair. There is rattling in chest with rattling cough worse in rainy weather.
Lobelia: Respiration difficult from constriction in chest, worse from exertion. There is sensation of pressure or weight in chest which is better by rapid walking. Asthma with disordered stomach. Feeling of weakness in stomach.
Mephitis: Inhalation difficult, exhalation almost impossible. Asthma with spasmodic cough. Cough is so violent that it seems as if each spell would terminate life. Cough is worse at night.
Moschus: Intense fear, anxiety and smothering sensation. Difficult respiration, chest oppressed, hysterical spasm of chest.
Pulsatilla: Dyspnea worse night, evening, after dinner, lying on back. Respiration difficult worse from walking rapidly. Asthma after suppressed eruptions, from suppressed menses. This remedy is especially indicated in females of a mild, timid, sensitive or fretful disposition.
Sambucus: Suffocative cough, coming at about midnight. Respiration obstructed when lying down. Asthma with suffocative attacks, maybe well when awake but sleeps into trouble. Snuffles in babies cannot breathe through nose.
Spongia: Dryness of all air passages. Dry, barking, asthmatic cough. Respiration short, panting. Cough better by eating and drinking especially warm drinks. Asthmatic cough worse from cold air, lying with head low.
There are many more remedies which are indicated for the treatment of asthma and given depending on the symptoms of the patient.
NOTE: Homeopathic remedies should always be taken under the care of a qualified Classical Homeopath.
World Health Organization. Bronchial asthma. Cited on 2014 September 15. Available from:
Cited on 2014 September 15. Available from:
Asthma. Cited on 2014 September. Available from:
Dr. Zubin S Dehmeri, MD(Hom.)
*Homeopathy is also safe and effective while Breastfeeding! This is a helpful modality of healing for new Mothers, as it is completely safe while breastfeeding, and for babies and children.
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own natural defense mechanism to promote health and to resist infection and susceptibility to disease. Although gentle, the results can be powerful and long lasting.
Homeopathy improves health generally, rather than merely alleviating localized symptoms. It treats the whole individual, acting on the mental and emotional levels as well as the physical level, providing a balance in overall health and an increased sense of well-being and quality of life.
It works! When used correctly, Homeopathy can be an extremely effective system of medicine, providing long-lasting relief from many acute and chronic conditions and illnesses.
Homeopathic treatment offers a gentle and non-invasive approach to health, producing no toxic side effects, no dependency or addiction, and no withdrawal.
Homeopathic medicines are surprisingly inexpensive to purchase, especially when compared to over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
Homeopathy can be safely used at home or on the road to provide rapid relief for minor problems such as bruises, simple burns, sprains, insect bites, gastric upsets, etc. However more serious or long-lasting complaints should be treated by a qualified homeopath.
Homeopathic medicines are tested only on healthy humans in order to determine the range of action of each remedy.
Homeopathic medicines can be used independently or along with conventional drugs and other therapies (with the full knowledge of your other healthcare providers). It can often alleviate unpleasant side effects of conventional treatments (e.g., chemotherapy).
Homeopathy has no adverse impact on the environment. There is not waste of energy or natural resources in the manufacturing process and no pollution of the water supply, oceans, or dump sites when used. In fact, Homeopathy is the ultimate Green Medicine!
Homeopathy is the second most widely-used system of medicine in the world. It is available in most countries and is gaining in popularity as an alternative to conventional medicine.
*Homeopathy is also safe and effective while Breastfeeding! This is a helpful modality of healing for new Mothers, as it is completely safe while breastfeeding, and for babies and children.
Homeopathy has a proven track record of treating and preventing serious epidemic diseases.
It’s used by governments for dengue fever, leptospirosis, epidemic fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis epidemics, and, historically, for other serious contagious diseases.
The appropriate homeopathic medicine (remedy) is likely to be just as effective against the Ebola virus.
Homeopathic remedies are quick to produce in large quantities, inexpensive, easily distributed, and have an excellent safety profile.
They are ideally suited to the difficulties and constraints of Ebola-affected countries, as identified by WHO.
The award-winning PBS TV show Savvy Moms explores Integrative medicine in pediatrics, with Dana Ullman, MPH (Homeopathic author and educator) and Ari Brown, MD (representative of the American Academy of Pediatrics; AAP).
Integrative Pediatrics: Integrating Conventional and Natural Medicine in Treating Children
*Homeopathy is also safe and effective while Breastfeeding! This is a helpful modality of healing for new Mothers, as it is completely safe while breastfeeding, and for babies and children.
It is commonly assumed that Homeopathic medicines are composed of extremely small doses of medicinal substances. And yet, does anyone refer to an atomic bomb as an extremely small dose of a bomb? In actual fact, there is a power, a very real power, in having atoms smash against each other.
Homeopathic medicines are made through a specific pharmacological process of dilution and vigorous shaking. However, when skeptics say that there is nothing but water in Homeopathic medicine, they are proving their ignorance, despite the incredible arrogance in which they make these assertions. Dr. Martin Chaplin, a respected British professor who is one of the world’s experts on water, has verified that “homeopathic water” and “regular water” are not the same, and his review of almost 2,000 references to the scientific literature on water (!) confirm this fact (Chaplin, 2009).
It should be noted that a large number of Homeopathic medicines sold in health food stores and pharmacies are made in doses with known physiological doses. In fact, there are several thousand (!) studies in conventional scientific journals showing a wide variety of biological effects from extremely small doses of various substances on specific systems.
Homeopathic medicines can and should be considered to be a type of “nanopharmacology” (Ullman, 2006). Although the word “nano” also means one-billionth of a size, that is not its only definition. In fact, “nano” derives from the word “dwarf,” and “nano” is the only word in the English language that is used on common parlance as denoting extremely small AND yet extremely powerful. Homeopathic medicines are both extremely small in dose and yet extremely powerful in their therapeutic effect.
For 200 years now, millions of physicians and hundreds of millions of Homeopathic patients have observed and experienced the power and effectiveness of homeopathic medicines
The Power of Nano-doses
Precisely how Homeopathic medicines work remains a mystery, and yet, nature is replete with mysteries and with numerous striking examples of the power of extremely small doses.
For instance, it is commonly known that a certain species of moth can smell pheromones of its own species up to two miles away. It is no simple coincidence that species only sense pheromones from those in the same species who emit them (akin to the homeopathic principle of similars), as though they have developed exquisite and specific receptor sites for what they need to propagate their species. Likewise, sharks are known to sense blood in the water at distances, and when one considers the volume of water in the ocean, it becomes obvious that sharks, like all living creatures, develop extreme hypersensitivity for whatever will help ensure their survival.
That living organisms have some truly remarkable sensitivities is no controversy. The challenging question that remains is: How does the medicine become imprinted into the water and how does the Homeopathic process of dilution with succussion increase the medicine’s power? Although we do not know precisely the answer to this question, some new research may help point the way.
The newest and most intriguing way to explain how homeopathic medicines may work derives from some sophisticated modern technology. Scientists at several universities and hospitals in France and Belgium have discovered that the vigorous shaking of the water in glass bottles causes extremely small amounts of silica fragments or chips to fall into the water (Demangeat, et al., 2004). Perhaps these silica chips may help to store the information in the water, with each medicine that is initially placed in the water creating its own pharmacological effect. In any case, each medicinal substance will interact with the silica fragments in its own idiosyncratic way, thereby changing the nature and structure of water accordingly.
Further, the micro-bubbles and the nano-bubbles that are caused by the shaking may burst and thereby produce microenvironments of higher temperature and pressure. Several studies by chemists and physicists have revealed increased release of heat from water in which homeopathic medicines are prepared, even when the repeated process of dilutions should suggest that there are no molecules remaining of the original medicinal substance (Elia and Niccoli, 1999; Elia, et al., 2004; Rey, 2003).
Also, a group of highly respected scientists have confirmed that the vigorous shaking involved with making homeopathic medicines changes the pressure in the water, akin to water being at 10,000 feet in altitude (Roy, et al., 2005). These scientists have shown how the homeopathic process of using double-distilled water and then diluting and shaking the medicine in a sequential fashion changes the structure of water.
One metaphor that may help us understand how and why extremely small doses of medicinal agents may work derives from present knowledge of modern submarine radio communications. Normal radio waves simply do not penetrate water, so submarines must use an extremely low-frequency radio wave. The radio waves used by submarines to penetrate water are so low that a single wavelength is typically several miles long!
If one considers that the human body is 70-80 percent water, perhaps the best way to provide pharmacological information to the body and into intercellular fluids is with nanodoses. Like the extremely low-frequency radio waves, it may be necessary to use extremely low (and activated) doses for a person to receive the medicinal effect.
It is important to understand that nanopharmacological doses will not have any effect unless the person is hypersensitive to the specific medicinal substance. Hypersensitivity is created when there is some type of resonance between the medicine and the person. Because the system of homeopathy bases its selection of the medicine on its ability to cause in overdose the similar symptoms that the sick person is experiencing, Homeopathy’s principle of similars is simply a practical method of finding the substance to which a person is hypersensitive.
The homeopathic principle of similars makes further sense when one considers that modern physiologists and pathologists recognize that disease is not simply the result of breakdown or surrender of the body but that symptoms are instead representative of the body’s efforts to fight infection or adapt to stress.
Using a nanodose that is able to penetrate deeply into the body and that is specifically chosen for its ability to mimic the symptoms helps to initiate a profound healing process. It is also important to highlight the fact that a homeopathic medicine is not simply chosen for its ability to cause a similar disease but for its ability to cause a similar syndrome of symptoms of disease, of which the specific localized disease is a part. By understanding that the human body is a complex organism that creates a wide variety of physical and psychological symptoms, homeopaths acknowledge biological complexity and have a system of treatment to address it effectively.
Although no one knows precisely how homeopathic medicines initiate the healing process, we have more than 200 years of evidence from hundreds of thousands of clinicians and tens of millions of patients that these medicines have powerful effects. One cannot help but anticipate the veritable treasure trove of knowledge that further research in homeopathy and nanopharmacology will bring.
Nobel Prize-winning Scientist on Homeopathy…
Brian Josephson, Ph.D., (1940-) is a British physicist who won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973 for work he completed when he was only 22 years old. He is currently a professor at the University of Cambridge where he is the head of the mind-matter unification project in the Theory of Condensed Matter research group.
Responding to an article in the New Scientist (October 18, 1997) that expressed skepticism about homeopathy, Josephson wrote:
[box] Regarding your comments on claims made for homeopathy: criticisms centered around the vanishingly small number of solute molecules present in a solution after it has been repeatedly diluted are beside the point, since advocates of homeopathic remedies attribute their effects not to molecules present in the water, but to modifications of the water’s structure. Simple-minded analysis may suggest that water, being a fluid, cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of homeopathy that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account.Content goes here[/box]
A related topic is the phenomenon, claimed by Jacques Benveniste’s colleague Yolène Thomas and by others to be well established experimentally, known as “memory of water”. If valid, this would be of greater significance than homeopathy itself, and it attests to the limited vision of the modern scientific community that, far from hastening to test such claims, the only response has been to dismiss them out of hand. (Josephson, 1997)
Later, when Josephson was interviewed by the New Scientist (December 9, 2006), he chose to emphasize that many scientists today suffer from “pathological disbelief”; that is, they maintain an unscientific attitude that is embodied by the statement “even if it were true I wouldn’t believe it.” Sadly, such scientists are simply showing evidence of an unscientific attitude.
Quantum Medicine
Quantum physics does not disprove Newtonian physics; quantum physics simply extends our understanding of extremely small and extremely large systems. Likewise, homeopathy does not disprove conventional pharmacology; instead, it extends our understanding of extremely small doses of medicinal agents. It is time that physicians and scientists began incorporating both Newtonian and quantum physics into a better understanding of what healing is and how to best augment it.
The founder of Homeopathic medicine, Samuel Hahnemann, MD, rewrote and updated his seminal work on the subject five times in his lifetime, each time refining his observations. Homeopaths continue to refine this system of nanopharmacology. While there is not always agreement on the best ways to select the correct remedy or the best nanopharmacological dose to use, the system of homeopathic medicine provides a solid foundation from which clinicians and researchers exploring nanopharmacologies can and should explore.
Demangeat, J.-L., Gries, P., Poitevin, B., Droesbeke J.-J., Zahaf, T., Maton, F., Pierart, C., and Muller, R. N. Low-Field NMR Water Proton Longitudinal Relaxation in Ultrahighly Diluted Aqueous Solutions of Silica-Lactose Prepared in Glass Material for Pharmaceutical Use, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2004, 26:465-481.
Elia, V. and Niccoli, M. Thermodynamics of Extremely Diluted Aqueous Solutions, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1999, 879:241-248.
Elia, V., Baiano, S., Duro, I., Napoli, E., Niccoli, M., and Nonatelli, L. Permanent Physio-chemical Properties of Extremely Diluted Aqueous Solutions of Homeopathic Medicines, Homeopathy, 2004, 93:144-150.
Josephson, B. D., Letter, New Scientist, November 1, 1997.
Rey, L. Thermoluminescence of Ultra-High Dilutions of Lithium Chloride and Sodium Chloride. Physica A, 2003, 323:67-74.
Roy, R., Tiller, W. A., Bell, I., and Hoover, M. R. The Structure of Liquid Water: Novel Insights from Materials Research; Potential Relevance to Homeopathy, Materials Research Innovations, December 2005, 9(4):577-608..
Ullman, Dana. “Let’s have a serious discussion of nanopharmacology and homeopathy”. FASEB. 2006;20:2661.
We are sure many of you have heard in the past few days, all the news of the possible threat of the Ebola Virus. As one who knows the power of Homeopathy, are you prepared? Below is some information that may be helpful to have on hand in the event that you or someone you know should begin to develop any of the symptoms listed below.
Joint/muscle aches
Stomach pain
Loss of appetite
Severe weight loss
Red eyes
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Slow pulse
Bleeding internally and externally
Bleeding signs and loss of blood including:
Vomiting of blood
Nasal bleeding
Blood in stools and urine
Easy bruising
Bleeding under the skin layers presenting as a rash/rashes (raised rash) as well as larger bleed under the skin. This happens in all epithelial tissues both on the surface of the body as well as on the surface of the organs
Tongue: deep red/crimson or purple body (Lachesis)
Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure, though 8-10 is most common.
Suggested Remedies to have on hand:
Crotalus Horridus: The individual may present with difficulty swallowing due to spasms and constriction of the throat, dark purplish blood, edema with purplish, mottled skin.
They may weep easily. Their perception and memory may be clouded. They are impatient. Talkative. They may express a desire to escape.
Lachesis: Delirium, trembling and confusion. Bleeding internally as well as externally. May experience the most discomfort on the left side. Talkative, spiteful words. Bleeding/dark/purple.
This individual may be jealous in nature and may strike out with their spiteful words. Bruises easily. Can not tolerate constriction of any kind.
Phosphorous: Bright red bleeding. Bloody diarrhea. Nose bleeds. Eyes bleed. Great weakness.
Irritated easily, extremely sensitive to all surroundings. Phosphorous is second in line to Crotalus for any type of filovirus such as Ebola. (Eileen Nauman)
Mercurius Corrosivus: Extreme bleeding, better when lying on the back with the knees bent up, delirium, headache with burning cheeks, visual sensitivity, black swollen lip, metallic, bitter or salt taste in mouth. They are usually worse at night
This individual is hurried, restless, anxious and impulsive. Impulse to kill or commit suicide. Sudden anger with impulse to strike and act. These impulses are related to the deep evils within the will.
Suggestion for prevention:
Crotalus horridus-30c, one-dose-daily, until the threat is out of the area.
The first Ebola case in West Africa may have appeared in a 2-year-old boy in Guinea in December 2013. It then spread to neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone. By March this year, health care workers were aware that a regional outbreak was underway. But it was an American’s death in July that woke the world to the epidemic.
Patrick Sawyer was a U.S. citizen working for the Liberian government who traveled by air to Nigeria while experiencing symptoms of Ebola. He collapsed in the Lagos airport and died in hospital five days later. The fact that he arrived in the capital city by air alarmed many about the possibility of global consequences.
This outbreak is larger than any previous and, as of this moment, it is still expanding. This disease is surrounded by mystery and frightening images, both real and fictional. Professor Kenneth Noll in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology offers a true picture of Ebola and the potential consequences of the West African outbreak.
The West African outbreak is the worst recorded incidence of Ebola. Ebola first came to the attention of Western medicine in 1976, when an outbreak of a hemorrhagic fever took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then called Zaire). Until the current outbreak, it had only occurred naturally in Central and East Africa. Cases appeared elsewhere as the result of laboratory contamination or export of infected monkeys used for research. Prior to the current outbreak, the most deadly episode was the one in 1976 in Zaire, when 280 people died, representing 88 percent of those known to have been infected.
Those outbreaks were smaller because the disease is typically found in rural areas that have low population density. By contrast, the West African outbreak occurred in rural communities that are much closer together, where people frequently travel among neighboring communities.
Medical professionals in East and Central Africa have become familiar with Ebola since it has been known in those areas for almost 40 years. Medical providers in West Africa were less able to identify the disease when it appeared, and so precautions to prevent its spread were not immediately implemented. Medical facilities there also typically lacked the simple protective materials–gloves, face masks, and gowns–necessary to protect doctors and nurses, so medical providers were among the most frequent first victims of the outbreak.
Additionally, doctors in these relatively populous countries are extremely few, so people rely much more on family or traditional healers for care. This, too, led to Ebola’s spread, because such intimate contact with dying victims is necessary to contract the disease. Ebola is also transmitted by contact with dead bodies, so burial rites that include ritual cleansing by family members also facilitated its spread.
Ebola is a viral disease that is not transmitted like the flu. Flu viruses infect the lungs of ill people, while Ebola infects tissues that line the intestines and blood vessels that underlie the skin.
Flu spreads when flu viruses leave lung cells and enter fluids in the respiratory tract, and can be expelled through coughs and sneezes. Those infectious particles can then be inhaled or swallowed and so transmit the flu to others.
Since Ebola viruses do not enter lung tissues, they cannot be transmitted through sneezing and coughing, but instead enter fluids that exit the body out of the intestines or, less so, through the skin, in sweat. Unlike the flu, Ebola cannot be transmitted before symptoms appear. When victims reach the stage when the virus is shedding through bodily fluids, they are typically too ill to travel. Mr. Sawyer apparently hid his symptoms, and airline personnel were not looking for ill travelers at that time. Air travelers in the affected region are now monitored for symptoms, and screenings are in place elsewhere as well.
Ebola is unlikely to spread to the U.S. Travel restrictions to the most highly affected countries are in place and are likely to increase until the rate of infection moderates. Screening of travelers in airports in West Africa and inspection of passengers arriving from that area are in place around the world. Currently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have warned U.S. passengers not to undertake nonessential travel to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
Even if a traveler from West Africa were to come to the U.S. and then fall ill, Americans typically do not rely on family members for treatment, but instead go to a doctor or hospital. There the disease will more likely be recognized, and the patient placed in isolation to prevent its spread. Even if a person were to die alone at home, medical personnel with training to enact strict quarantine procedures would be called in to prevent exposure to the victim, and so stem the spread of the virus.
Although the early symptoms of Ebola are not remarkable, they rapidly become worse, lessening the chance that an infectious person can transmit the disease in public. Early symptoms of Ebola include fever, headache, aches, and weakness. Vomiting and diarrhea can set in early, too. Symptoms arise up to 21 days after exposure, but typically develop in eight to 10 days. Bleeding, the symptom most known for the disease and the one most exploited in movies, occurs later and can be both internal and external.
Ebola is highly virulent, but not very contagious. Virulence means the ability to cause infectious disease and the severity of that disease. One measure of virulence is the number of virus particles needed to cause an infection, and for Ebola that is 1-10 viruses, according to the Health Agency of Canada.
A more useful measure is contagiousness, which takes into account how a disease is transmitted and the effect of contact with an infected person. Doctors can estimate the average number of people likely to catch the illness from a single infected person by calculating a number called the reproductive rate for a disease agent. This number can vary in different countries, because infection control measures and the extent of vaccination in a population are also factors in this calculation. The reproductive rate includes the number of contacts an infectious person makes, how long a person is infective, and the likelihood that an infected person will transmit the infection. In the U.S., the reproductive rate for Ebola has been estimated to be 1-4. Measles, by comparison, has a reproductive rate of 12-18; mumps, 4-7; and polio, 5-7.