Follow-Up Homeopathic Evaluation
During the time you are taking the remedy, regular follow-up visits are strongly recommended to give me an idea of how things are progressing. They will help me assess your progress and evaluate your response to the remedy.
Even when you are doing well or continuing to make progress, it is important to keep your follow-up appointment.
The follow-up appointment will help nurture the healing process by keeping me up to date and help me assess whether to “tweak” your remedy or change it all together.
This is also a time to discuss things that happened during the “in between” of your appointments. If you kept notes during this time, the follow-up is the best time to share them.
Everything is important when you are on a remedy.
The reason the first appointment is so long is to give me a baseline from which to work with you, and each follow-up appointment will help me see your progress and decide whether or not your remedy should stay the same or needs to have some changes made to it.
The follow-up visits are scheduled at varying intervals or as needed. Usually, they go anywhere from three weeks to six months depending upon the individual characteristic of each person’s progress.
Once you are making steady progress on your remedy, your remedy will also help you resist disease in the future by increasing your resistance to emotional stress. Of course, diet and lifestyle must also be factored in to the equation.
Sometimes, a follow-up appointment seems unnecessary when we feel good and are making progress. We are all used to the conventional idea of going to the doctor only when we are sick.
However, our observation has been that those patients who return for their regularly scheduled follow-up appointments complete their Homeopathic treatment in a shorter time and with better results.
Although you may be taking Homeopathic remedies and be under active care for as long as two years, (sometimes more,) it is important to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of Homeopathic treatment is to reach a high level of health and allow our bodies to take care of its needs naturally without the crutch of constant allopathic care.
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