Healing Your Inner Child with Homeopathy
The concept of the Inner Child is not new and has been a part of our world for a long time. Carl Jung called it the “Divine Child” which is the essence of who we truly are. We are the Divine Children of The Great Spirit, God, the Creator and therefore the Inner Child is not a separate entity, it is not a different aspect of ourselves, it is the energetic, creative and authentic Self.
We are born into this world knowing. We know who we are, why we have come and our very reason for being. With our first breath we begin our learning, the art of being a Human. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience.
From the day of our birth we are considered ignorant. We begin a path of separation, separation from our Creator and a separation from our true self. We are taught that our external world defines who we are, what we shall do and how we shall be. Our inner truth is not validated and we are taught not to trust ourselves, our inner urgings or our knowing; that shows us the true path of our Soul and Spirit.
This separation leads to a place of fear. A place where we are taught that the mind is our master and all we need to know can be learnt from others, our parents, our schools and our communities. We are continually told that we need to prove ourselves and our worth through external avenues. We are shown over and over again to disregard and forget the vital aspect of ourselves, that of our Hearts. This has resulted in us being raised in a shame-based, emotionally dishonest, and spiritually lacking world. This world has created our separations and therefore helped to create the Inner Child.
Can we blame our parents, our societies and our churches? Yes, but that is playing the part of the victim, that is playing the game of separation. We are all part of this world and we are all responsible for its ways, its paths and its separations. Our parents did not know how to truly love themselves or how to be emotionally honest and we have therefore formed our core relationship with ourselves based on these early childhood learnings and then built our relationship with ourselves and others from this foundation. We have lived a life reacting to the wounds of the past and the dysfunctional programs we have been subjected to and have now created our dysfunctional culture.
We have created a world of confusion, desperation and chaotic energy. This world has taken us to a place of co-dependency, suffering and repression. When our True Self is not acknowledged or heard we begin to create situations and relationships that are false and keep us in a place of unresolved emotional trauma. This leads to a life of anxiety, fear, confusion, emptiness and unhappiness.
The Inner Child is our emotional self and it is the place where our feelings live, it is our Heart. When we experience joy, sadness, anger and fear our Inner Child is coming out. When we are being spontaneous, creative, intuitive and playful our True Self is coming out.
It is not our past that affects us; it is the images and memories of it. By accessing our Inner Child and reclaiming this wounded child we begin to uncover any conscious or unconscious beliefs of ourselves and begin to re-evaluate and transform ourselves and our lives. It is through healing our Inner Child that we can begin to change our behavioral patterns and clear up our emotional responses. Once we begin loving, honoring and respecting ourselves internally, we are able to release grief, rage, shame, terror and pain from our hearts and begin transforming our life and our world with spontaneity, creativity, joy and love.
We have the power of choice and we are given the opportunity with our children to begin healing ourselves, our Inner Child and our separations and thereby create a solid foundation based on empowerment, love, honesty and creativity that will help our children to be their True Self.
It is possible to feel feelings without becoming a victim. It is possible to change the way you think so that your mind is no longer your worst enemy. It is possible to become empowered and to make choices in life that are aligned with your True Self. We have the power of choice and we are given the opportunity with our children to begin healing ourselves, our Inner Child and our separations and thereby create a solid foundation based on empowerment, love, honesty and creativity that will help our children to be their True Self.
This where Classical Homeopathy comes in..
Arrogance: Low self-esteem is usually behind the haughtiness and arrogance of an individual. The person overcompensates for feeling so unworthy. Platina metallicum is a prominent remedy used for this state of mind. Hyperactive children who argue constantly, insist they are always right, are impatient and have contempt for others, soften and lose their edge with Platina.
Fastidiousness: There are certain degrees of perfectionism. Arsenicum album, Ignatia, Nux vomica and Thuya are some of the Homeopathic remedies used to rebalance an overly meticulous personality.
Repetitive Thoughts: When people feel threatened, they can have thoughts that they don’t desire enter their minds. These thoughts go on and on, like a broken record, disturbing their concentration and peace of mind. This phenomenon varies in intensity and duration. Lachesis is one remedy which can help people come to terms with the issues at hand. It also helps to dissipate any anger, irritability or frustration that goes along with the thoughts. Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome often find that this behavioral pattern becomes more prominent during certain times of the month. Lachesis is often used for women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome or who are menopausal.
Grief and Depression: The loss of a loved one can leave a deep feeling of sadness that can be felt again and again when certain memories or thoughts about that person are triggered. Homeopathic remedies can help the grieving come to terms with the loss and can lessen the impact of the shock.
Ignatia is used for recent bereavement. The person feels nervous and can’t stop shaking. The bereaved has usually identified completely with the lost one and feels that she can’t possibly exist alone.
Natrum muriaticum is commonly used for depression and is especially helpful when the death of a loved one has occurred in the past. The person has never been the same since and has developed a melancholy nature, withdrawing and not living life to its fullest.
For the person who suffers from depression most of his life, is highly responsible and tends to be a workaholic, Aurum metallicum is used. The Aurum metallicum type of personality blames himself when things go wrong in life. The person feels as if a dark cloud is overhead, eliminating all joy and light. Suicidal thoughts and even attempts are characteristic of this deep type of depression. Physical symptoms often involve heart problems such as high blood pressure or palpitations.
Lack of Self-Confidence: Staphasagria is for the person whose poor self-image derives from a past hurt that is followed by suppressed anger. The person feels a need to please everyone and has a fear of how they appear to others. There can also be a deep fear of abandonment and rejection. Staphasagria is a well-indicated remedy for those who have been sexually abused in the past or have been abandoned emotionally by their parents.
Thuja is for the reserved, secretive person whose low self-esteem is rooted in feelings of shame and guilt. These people try not to let anyone get to really know them because they fear they will not be accepted. Given the extent of their secrecy, they can have different degrees of paranoia.
Panic: Life-threatening events, traffic accidents and even nightmares can be shocking to the individual involved. The after-effects of such events can produce feelings of panic, fear, anxiety and restlessness. For example, a person involved in a serious car accident may never feel secure driving again. The individual may insist on becoming a passenger only. As a passenger, she may find herself pressing her foot down on the floor onto an imaginary brake every time she feels uneasy with the driving. The problem with shocking experiences is the uncontrollable and unsubstantiated fear that may follow. Aconite is a prominent remedy used to treat shock. It can be given after the disturbing incident or years later when the panicky behavior can be traced back to the original event.
A qualified and experienced Classical Homeopath can best decide on the correct remedy and potency needed.
Help your Inner Child heal with Classical Homeopathy today.
Classic Homeopath
Tina Louise Buie, CH, IBCLC, RLC
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