Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine, based upon the ancient principal of “like cures like.” Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal and mineral sources that cause a certain set of physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are these original substances, which have been diluted and shaken or “potentized” into a minute dose.
Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use homeopathy without the danger of side effects, interactions with prescription drugs, herbs or vitamins.
Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.
Homeopathic remedies treat a number of acute ailments, including: flu, coughs, colds, sore throats and fevers. It may also be used for allergies, acne, autism, Asperger Syndrome, Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD) and other behavior disorders, insomnia, mood disorders, menopause, indigestion, jaundice, and trauma.