Allergic Rhinitis and Homeopathic Treatment

By / 27th May, 2016 / No Comments

Do you suffer from bouts of frequent sneezes, itchy and runny nose?

Do you often wake up sneezing in the morning?

Does sneezing and runny nose occur during a particular weather or when there is change of weather?

Or, do you wheeze or do your eyes feel itchy with sneezing and runny nose?

If you have some, or all of these symptoms, then you may be suffering from nasal allergy.

Nasal allergy, also called allergic rhinitis or hay fever or pollinosis, is an allergic reaction of the body (mainly the upper respiratory tract and eyes) to certain substances – allergens – that we breathe in.

The main allergens are pollen’s, molds, animal dander and dust.Allergy is nothing but an over-sensitization of our defense system. This means that our immune system (defense system) starts reacting to a substance which is otherwise harmless to our body. In other words, it is a misdirected immune attack.

Pollen’s are usually the main culprits. Homeopathic treatment is based on the principle of “like cures like.” This means if a substance that in its raw state, produces a disease condition, this substance also has the ability to treat similar symptoms, when given in diluted and activated (potentised) form. Thus, a lot many plants whose pollen’s are the known culprits for this kind of allergy are being used in Homeopathy to treat Allergic Rhinitis. By giving a substance that has similar manifestations, Homeopathy is able to optimize the already over-sensitized immune system.

Two medicines which represent new advance in Homeopathy are Galphimia-Glauca and Histaminum-Hydrochlo-ride.

A US study foundHomeopathic Galphimia-Glauca to be highly effective in treating Allergic Rhinitis.

Many other very effective plant-based Homeopathic medicines have also been introduced during the last few years: Cardiospermum-Halicacabum and Amni-Visnaga, for example. Conventional Homeopathic medicines like Allium-Cepa , Sabadilla , Arundo-Mur, Ambrosia and Aralea are also very effective.

It is important to remember that Homeopathy is a system where the treatment is based on the patient’s individual symptoms. Thus, each medicine has its own important place in treating allergic rhinitis. It may take a season or two to completely eradicate allergic rhinitis. With growing industrialization, our bodies are changing according to the environment.

A BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal) report stated that one-in-six-people in the industrialized world suffer from seasonal pollen allergies. Pollution does not cause allergy directly, but is supposed to increase the sensitivity to pollen’s.

In Japan, it was found that the sensitivity to pollen’s was high, in people living in areas with high levels of diesel exhaust particles in the environment.

Genetic factors are also supposed to play a role in developing nasal allergy.

For proper treatment of your allergies, please see your Classical Homeopath to find they Homeopathic remedy that best matches you!

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